There's a reason I've missed posting a few days this week. But more importantly, I've missed interacting and commenting on all who's blogs I visit regularly. It has been a very grueling week.
To start, a very dear friend of the family's, father passed away. My sons loved this man. They felt he was a man's man, and that's important to them. Their loss is my loss. Good men are very important in this world.
Our dearest and oldest friend, our border collie, Lilly, passed. Oh my goodness, it was painful! The boys and I held each other, and her, as she closed her eyes. I can't take it, just writing about it! I thank God for how he created these creatures to be so in tune with humans!
In the midst of death, I work steadily, because life goes on. And, work has been over kill this week, enough to not have a break to post. I get very little time to be creative and communicative on these wonderful internet vessels of relating, so every little break at my desk, I hurriedly start visiting each blog and post at some point in my day. But, this weeks schedule left me unable to utilize a break for anything other than a quick bite for lunch (at my desk).
Whewh...........I'm happy to see Friday afternoon. I need a little peaceful moment to just sit, pray, and recharge!
via Bohemian Musings
Take time this weekend to sit, pray, and recharge! xo