***Identifying 'lush'ousness everyday, everywhere!***


*Glamorously Fun*

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My 4th of July!

I joined the blogger world about 6 months ago! I justed wanted to be "in touch", be accepted, and share with some of the lovliest and talented women. So I started my blog. Then, I came across this endearing blog 'To Everything A Season'(http://dfseason.blogspot.com), and also 'Texas-Blogging Gals'. I learned that the author, Diane, had this gift of bringing women together through her blogs. So, I quickly submitted my request to be accepted.

I was accepted! As communication grew, I entered a contest on "what would be served up for the 4th of July". Go figure........... I won! I felt like I had won double the prize! Just being a part of the process was gift enough for me!

Nevertheless, I received my contest prize of red, white and blue decor and more for 4th of July! I couldn't wait to use my winnings, as we had a Dallas family cook-off planned for Independence weekend.

Then the rain fell! And, kept falling! And kept falling! And, then, our plans to travel were
cancelled! Our yard was flooded, and the grass couldn't be manicured to even be ready for a last minute gathering at home!

So Friday was a 'wash'. Saturday was 'a mess'. By Sunday, we went to give thanks for our lives and our country!

After mass, we came home and I decided despite the ugly mess (that I couldn't bare to picture),
I would use my patriotic decor and more that I won! I would put a small celebration together for just my little family.

Well, the rest is picture explanatory. We cooked. We ate listening to our "God Bless America" music collection. We tried to set off a few safe fireworks. And we were THANKFUL!

And I just want to thank Diane of 'To Everything A Season' and 'Texas-Blogging Gals' once again! You are truly a blessing to my life! Thank you for using your God-given gift of bringing together some very special women and allowing me to be a part of it!

Looking forward to the next 4th of July! This life is worth celebrating!