***Identifying 'lush'ousness everyday, everywhere!***


*Glamorously Fun*

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Embracing Life!

In 2011, we have the opportunity, once again, to embrace whatever life hands us. There are so many sayings such as, "Keep Calm and Carry On", or "When Life Hands You Lemons, Make Lemonade". But, in thinking positive, "A Hand Opened to Give, Is Also a Hand Opened to Receive" (change the saying to read 'A Heart Opened to Give is Also a Heart Opened to Receive). I like to always believe that things happen for the greater good. My heart and my hand is open to give and to receive, whether it's a tangible item or a life lesson or blessing. My photos indicate small examples of openness(but teaching lessons just the same). While one is a beautiful photo captured by my son (his hand open to give while hers receives), the others are of smaller significance but still a lesson.

Without knowing what the gift will be, keep open to see (and experience)the greater good.

Always know that there is possible treasure in the old and discarded. I love when a $60 purchase (original upholstery) brings joy to those who love to decorate, entertain, home-make, and recycle. (Good Ole Craigslist).

Once again, I hosted a baby shower.(Don't ask. I haven't understood the significance in my hosting so many baby showers, other than I love the blessings of new life.) This shower was for a baby boy. I ordered the cakes to be in baby-blue. When I picked them up, I sorta panicked because the blue was more of an aqua. My guests continued to compliment how I coordinated my decor in respect to blue-for-boy. Just goes to show---"lemonade" can be served at any time. LoL!

This photo indicates how some things (or some people) never change.Can we love despite change not taking place? (OK, it's me that hasn't changed.) I love CUPID (and always have). I have various Cupids throughout my formal areas. My guests always enjoy my Cupids. My Cupids are a whimsical storybook sign of anticipated love for me, and my guests. And, it won't be long before we celebrate Valentine's Day (one of my favorites,too). Never forget to give to those you love and those who need to be loved.

My last photo reminds me of how we must never forget to enjoy the simplest of times with children. In these crazy times, we must help our children to know that they are loved, adventures with them still hold the number one spot in our life, and that we are not afraid to get down to their level in order to feel what they are feeling regardless of how we think they should feel. Remind them of how they are the reasons we can keep calm and carry on, make lemonade when handed lemons, and how easy it is to keep our hearts and hands open because they are always ready to love us despite our failings. (Thank you Lord!)