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*Glamorously Fun*

Monday, February 21, 2011

"Love" Mondays!

Where did the weekend go?

I found myself feeling quite worn out from the weekend! "If I had just one more day", I thought! But, you gotta love Mondays. There has to be the beginning to have an end. Why not start the week with the right focus..............Love! I promised once a week to post a virtuous story, promise, or lesson to ponder.

With a high percentage of human relationships being found and nurtured through social networks, and other forms of communication other than real human interaction, it's only proper to post the following short writing.

A lot of people have taken romance to the classified ads these days. One that I ran across points out the need for commitment. It was from a young man who was courting a young lady and it really mirrored our times. It read:
To Mary. My love for you would climb the highest mountain. My love for you would cross the hottest desert. My love for you would cause me to swim the widest stream. My love for you would cause me to die at the stake for you. Love, Jim. P.S. I'll see you Sunday, if it doesn't rain.

Commitment enables two people to get to know each other and to work through life's difficulties when they face them. If you don't have commitment, you're going to find a way out of that marriage relationship. Today it's easier to get out of marriage than it is to get out of a record club.

Like Mondays, the struggles in love make us just want to stay in bed and pull the covers over our head--EVEN when the ALARM is sounding! However, there is a new beginning every week. Take this opportunity! Value Love! Everything worth having is worth working for! Don't give up! xo