***Identifying 'lush'ousness everyday, everywhere!***


*Glamorously Fun*

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Just Thinkin'...............!

Just thinkin'................... I need more hours in the day and I need rest! Like most moms, I am in overkill with multi-tasking. I have been working, attending continuing-ed classes, cooking, cleaning, doing my homework, helping with kids homework, attending anothers sports events, helping another with a life dilemma, etc, etc! I love being a wife and mother. And, I love that I am able to pursue my career. But.............I'm tired! Just thinkin', I need an extra day in the week so I can rest in bed (one preferably like Marie Antoinette's). Just thinkin'.............rest isn't going to come. And, it's off to school, work, and household chores, first thing in the morning!
Oh well, just thinkin'..........even over-tasked and sleepy...........I am grateful!