***Identifying 'lush'ousness everyday, everywhere!***


*Glamorously Fun*

Monday, February 28, 2011

"Love" Mondays! Best Day Ever!

May this Monday's love story teach us to Value the moments that can create the BEST DAYS EVER!!!!!

In the faint light of the attic, an old man, tall and stooped, bent his great frame and made his way to a stack of boxes that sat near one of the little half-windows. Brushing aside a wisp of cobwebs, he tilted the top box toward the light and began to carefully lift out one old photograph album after another. Eyes once bright but now dim searched longingly for the source that had drawn him here.

It began with the fond recollection of the love of his life, long gone, and somewhere in these albums was a photo of her he hoped to rediscover. Silent as a mouse, he patiently opened the long buried treasures and soon was lost in a sea of memories. Although his world had not stopped spinning when his wife left it, the past was more alive in his heart than his present aloneness.

Setting aside one of the dusty albums, he pulled from the box what appeared to be a journal from his grown sons childhood. He could not recall ever having seen it before, or that his son had ever kept a journal. Why did Elizabeth always save the children's old junk? he wondered, shaking his white head.

Opening the yellowed pages, he glanced over a short reading, and his lips curved in an unconscious smile. Even his eyes brightened as he read the words that spoke clear and sweet to his soul. It was the voice of the little boy who had grown up far too fast in this very house, and whose voice had grown fainter and fainter over the years. In the utter silence of the attic, the words of a guileless six-year-old worked their magic and carried the old man back to a time almost totally forgotten.

Entry after entry stirred a sentimental hunger in his heart like the longing a gardener feels in the winter for the fragrance of spring flowers. But it was accompanied by the painful memory that his son's simple recollections of those days were far different from his own. But how different?

Reminded that he had kept a daily journal of his business activities over the years, he closed his son's journal and turned to leave, having forgotten the cherished photo that originally triggered his search. Hunched over to keep from bumping his head on the rafters, the old man stepped to the wooden stairway and made his descent, then headed down a carpeted stairway that led to the den.

Opening a glass cabinet door, he reached in and pulled out an old business journal. Turning, he sat down at his desk and placed the two journals beside each other. His was leather-bound and engraved neatly with his name in gold, while his sons was tattered and the name Jimmy had been nearly scuffed from its surface. He ran a long skinny finger over the letters, as though he could restore what had been worn away with time and use.

As he opened his journal, the old man's eyes fell upon an inscription that stood out because it was so brief in comparison to other days. In his own neat handwriting were these words:
Wasted the whole day fishing with Jimmy. Didn't catch a thing.

With a deep sigh and a shaking hand, he took Jimmy's journal and found the boy's entry for the same day, June 4. Large scrawling letters, pressed deeply into the paper, read:
Went fishing with my Dad. Best day of my life!


Friday, February 25, 2011

Let It Go! Have a Great Weekend!

Let's just take it easy this weekend! And, any consuming worry we have, just let it go "THIS TOO SHALL PASS". (Sometimes easier said than done.)

Below is one of my favorite, fun/inspiring videos! I LOVE the MESSAGE of this song, AND I LOVE MARCHING BANDS! (Promise to watch the video all the way through, it's so entertaining! They are a 'tad' bit hard to understand on some lyrics, therefore I typed the words for you below!)


This too Shall Pass!

You know you can't keep letting it get you down.
And, you can't keep dragging that dead weight around.
Is it really all that much to lug around?
Better run like hell when you hit the ground.
Ooohhhh, when the morning comes!
When the morning comes!
Can't stop those kids from dancing.
Why would you want to?
Especially when you're already cuttin' loose.
'Cause when your mind don't move and your knees don't bend,
oh, don't go blaming the kids again.
When the morning comes. (repeat)
Let it go, this too shall pass. (repeat)
You know you can't keep letting it get you down.
No, you can't keep letting it get you down.
Is it really all that much to lug around?
And, you can't keep letting it get you down.
When the morning comes.
You can't keep letting it get you down.
No, you can't keep letting it get you down.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

'LUSH' Picks

I love sharing fabulous 'LUSH' finds, creative re-purposed furniture or clothing, and anything that beautifies!

Beauty we can afford! Physician's formula translucent powder! I purchased it, am using it, and love it! A 'LUSH' pick!

Via {this is glamorous}http://citified.blogspot.com/, these gorgeous Chloe heels. A 'LUSH' pick!

I love bangles and cuffs! I love this Kate Spade piece, and the message inscribed! A 'LUSH' pick!

A classic vintage chair reupholstered in white leather or pleather! A 'LUSH' pick!

A vintage vanity, or desk, painted or modified, and re-purposed as a bathroom sink vanity! A 'LUSH' pick!

Share your 'LUSH' picks! I'd love to post them! xo

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Just Thinkin..............!

Just thinkin' about the whole world! It's such a beautiful world but it needs our prayers!

Just thinkin' how a part of our nation is battling snow storms, while.........

others are experiencing the newness of spring! (Metaphorically, we either battle or enjoy the "weather" in our homes and relationships, too.)

Just thinkin' that the views we have of our world (whether in our home or the entire world) depends on how we position ourselves, or what we were taught to focus on (God or man).

We have a choice to turn an unpleasant situation into beautiful steps towards peace or growth (in our homes, in our relationships, in our world)!

And, remember, God gave us the knowledge and strength to survive!

I was JUST THINKIN'...........! xo

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Obsessions!

I've been here before! No, not really! But as a young girl, I visited many relatives homes that were decorated in french provincial. While I don't want to be drowning in it, I do love having favorite pieces in my formal living, dining and bedroom. I have acquired some of my favorite pieces, yet, there are still others I hope to get. Such as, the blue sofa. And, (now don't laugh) but I'm crazy about the lamps.

I own a replica of this dining set. The previous owner stripped the chairs to the natural wood. Although I do like the look, it is a bit too natural for me. I believe I will restore them to their original painted surface.
I purchased a version of this dresser. I posted it in earlier posts. And, I want the chair, actually I want a matching pair! Love love love the chair!
Even though the mint green phone issomewhat, if not completely obsolete, it tugs at our heart's memories of a time when a phone call was so cherished. Kinda like most things......in excess, we just don't value it as much! : (
I'd love to have this version again.

I'll share pics of "my" french provincial pieces, later, along with other obsessions, as I post "My Obsessions" every week! xo

(PS Sorry again for a duplicate posting. I am still learning!)

Monday, February 21, 2011

"Love" Mondays!

Where did the weekend go?

I found myself feeling quite worn out from the weekend! "If I had just one more day", I thought! But, you gotta love Mondays. There has to be the beginning to have an end. Why not start the week with the right focus..............Love! I promised once a week to post a virtuous story, promise, or lesson to ponder.

With a high percentage of human relationships being found and nurtured through social networks, and other forms of communication other than real human interaction, it's only proper to post the following short writing.

A lot of people have taken romance to the classified ads these days. One that I ran across points out the need for commitment. It was from a young man who was courting a young lady and it really mirrored our times. It read:
To Mary. My love for you would climb the highest mountain. My love for you would cross the hottest desert. My love for you would cause me to swim the widest stream. My love for you would cause me to die at the stake for you. Love, Jim. P.S. I'll see you Sunday, if it doesn't rain.

Commitment enables two people to get to know each other and to work through life's difficulties when they face them. If you don't have commitment, you're going to find a way out of that marriage relationship. Today it's easier to get out of marriage than it is to get out of a record club.

Like Mondays, the struggles in love make us just want to stay in bed and pull the covers over our head--EVEN when the ALARM is sounding! However, there is a new beginning every week. Take this opportunity! Value Love! Everything worth having is worth working for! Don't give up! xo

Friday, February 18, 2011

Endless Lists!

In my world, spring is here! And, here in south Texas, our mowing and flower gardening season starts early! YAY! I love a beautiful yard and find yard work- very therapeutic (it's one more form of prayer time while helping God keep His world beautiful)! However, I do have my additional list of things I look forward to on the weekend! Such as......

Thinking about love and ways to show it! (with all the men in my house, it usually ends up with cooking)

Will Ponder these Words of Wisdom and feel the peace of knowing "that I 'love' and take action in showing it, and sometimes I don't do it perfectly but that never lessens how deeply I do love".

Will try to visit here. Been wanting to for so long. Looks like a BIG TREASURE BOX!

You WON'T catch me at the mall, but I am needing to replenish one of my favorite fragrances, Bond No 9 Bryant Park. I love this fragrance! Enjoy a taste of Red Velvet wine by Cupcake Vineyards, introduced by Sandi at Peel Me A Grape (http://peelmeagrapeblog.blogspot.com/)
Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Just Thinkin..............!

Things that I'm thinking about today...........

I love Liam Neeson as an actor. I came across his new cover on Esquire and his story concerning how he handled his grief on the death of his wife. We are just past Valentine's Day and this story hit home with me! Grieving loss! How do we cope? He plays such a strong character in all of his roles, however, he is as vulnerable to loss as the rest. My heart goes out to him and his boys upon reading his story. Just a reminder to never take for granted the good things in life. Just thinkin....

Just thinkin...... I love diet coke. I have one a day, sometimes none. However, it is my drink of choice (unless I hit my southern roots and go for that glass of iced tea). Otherwise, diet coke makes my mouth feel happy.
And,just thinkin......... spring is around the corner, with a warning that summer fun is very close. So I was thinking about classic vintage swimsuits. Just like the words describe-"classic,"still in style and acceptably beautiful with a ladylike quality, and "vintage," something that is valuable and sought after. (Reminds me to keep drinking my diet coke if I want to get into one of these things.)

Have a wonderful day of "thinkin". It's what helps us to put priorities in order! xo

Monday, February 14, 2011

Ain't Nothin Like the Real Thing Baby!"

Happy Valentine's Day! Happy Love Day #14!
As the Golden Oldie sings "Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing!" { http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svAs-6MiqxE } And I have found the "Real Thing" in two Valentine couples that I would love to share with you today!

More than lovely, Rayanne of A LOVELY THOUGHT { http://anartsideoflife.blogspot.com/ } has a treasure of wisdom, beauty, art, home decor, and "girl time tea talk" ready to share! With each post, she has stirred my heart, made me laugh, brought a tear, and alerted me to double-check my faith! She recently added a visit to her closet { http://alovelyladyboudoir.blogspot.com/ }. I accepted the invitation and was "WOWed" by her sharing. I indulge you in a peak at her love story (which can be read in its entirety if you click on her "boudoir" link above.

It appears they started with a "kiss".........

and they are still Kissing today! AAHHHHH! How Sweet it is!
Married for 35 years, Rayanne shares, from her Treasure Box, her first Valentine from her husband(with a picture of them "young and in-love"), her love letters she received from her husband that she saved (and still receives to this day), and a "Love Journal Book" in which their love celebration is recorded to share with each other now and later. True Heavenly Love manifested here on earth to give Hope for those who wait and wonder! Thank you for sharing Rayanne!


Love is found in the strangest places!

I had the great fortune to meet this next couple in Austin at (you guessed) a hockey tournament. I couldn't take my eyes off of them, as I witnessed the most precious loving relationship.
At hockey dinner night, I was seated at the dinner table with them. My heart jumped for joy. I knew it was no accident that I ended up at their table. Married for 50 years, Anne and Jim Hayes spoke of their marriage journey over dinner. I asked if I could keep in touch with them via email. I explained that I had a multitude of questions for them and their enduring love. I feel very strongly about marriage and its unfailing virtues. With the Grace of God, these two have weathered through some incredible trials. They proclaim they remain very much in love. I asked permission to share their story over time. Therefore, I am creating a format to post once a week about God's promise in marriage with testimony from this beautiful and inspiring couple, and others.

Again, A VERY HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY to you all! And, I add my sweet Valentine prayer received from my little sister this morning........

Dear Saint and glorious martyr,
Teach us to love unselfishly and to find great joy in giving.
Enable all true lovers
to bring out the best in each other in God. Amen!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Love Is An Action Word!

Above All, Real Love Compels us to do OUR PART, no matter what! Happy Love Day #13! xo

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Nurture the Love You Have!

Time waits for no one. Treasure every moment you have. Hold on tight to the ones you love! Happy Love Day #12! xo

Friday, February 11, 2011

Loving From A Distance!

No Matter Where, How Far, or How Long, REAL Love keeps its Promise of FOREVER! Happy Love Day #11! xo

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Love Story!

In Every Life there is a Story about Love waiting to be Shared! Happy Love Day #10!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Love Will Bring You Through It!

No matter what the circumstance, Love will bring you through it! Happy Love Day #9! xo

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

To Give and To Receive!

A Heart(hand) Open to Give is surely a Heart(hand) Open to Receive! Happy Love Day #8!xo

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Return of Love!

Love is Wonderful when the one you love, loves you in return! Happy Love Day #7! xo

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Gift of Love!

From the Heaven's above, receive the Gift of Everlasting Love! Happy Love Day #6! xo

(P.S. Please forgive me if you have received any duplicate posts, as I am continuing to learn this most precious art of blogging! xo)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Change of Heart!

A change of heart can change a heart! Love begets love! xo Happy Love Day #5!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Love Warms the Coldest of Hearts!

If ever we feel isolated from the ones we love, remember that Love can warm the coldest of hearts! Happy Heart Day #4!

(We all seem to be weathering the cold, to bitter cold, temperatures this early February! I pray you have the warmth of love to blanket you!)xo

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Within Our Reach!

We all have love within our reach! Happy Love Day #3! xo

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy February! Happy Love Day!

Happy February! What a lovely month! I offer a heart, or my heart, everyday until Valentine's Day!