symbolize innocence, gentleness, and purity.
And, all though they are named as the flower of April,
they are, also, very well known
as the featured flower
when referring to
a lazy summer day
(which is upon us--June).
"Have you ever been in a field of yellow daisies
Where the air is warm, pure and sweet
Just as if the world is at your feet"
Where the air is warm, pure and sweet
Just as if the world is at your feet"
The Latin name for daisy comes from the word bellus,
which literally means beautiful.
- "He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not."The popularity of this verse has resultedin the daisy beingcalled ‘love’s oracle.’
via here Pushing Daisies
Symbolic Meaning of the Daisy Flower:
Curiosity, playfulness and tenaciousness.
Unfettered love and innocence; I'll never tell
via here
Daisy is also a common girl's name
and is a nickname for girls named Margaret,
as well as, the name of a beautiful designer fragrance.
via Marc Jacobs
Whether then.................
via here
or now..............
via here
.......the iconic Daisy happily remains.
Happy June!
Let the lazy summer days begin! xo
Happy Weekend, too!