And, so life gives us another "starting point", another chance to improve and "get it right". For most of us, New Year's is a rebirth and transitional point. We seem to really take inventory of ourselves when an ending, or closure, is inevitable. New Year's is the one true time that we are fully certain that there is a new beginning, or another chance given, just by a calendar day designated as January 1st.
How much sweeter would life be if all of our endings could be so EASILY accepted as new beginnings?
Our transition from the old year to the new year is as natural as the beach waters bringing in and washing out the sand simultaneously!
I have SOOOOOOOOO many things I want to improve, add, or just stay focused on! My list could be extremely long, but I had to be realistic in what my actual focus is. The rest of my long list is continually added in to my daily routine.
Although my career, or employment, is at the top of my list, it is not the top five. It is a given that I must work to build my business. I am focused on work. Nevertheless, the most essential life/heart skills can become depleted if not tended. I choose to live my life with a "right" heart, and "right" attitude. It is a practice of virtues, and daily communion with the Holy Trinity, that keeps me "in check".
I truly believe life does NOT have to be perfect to be wonderful! I've been blessed to always find the beauty in every day. Please know, I am not perfect, but I see the perfection in life no matter how much pain, or joy!
It is no secret that God blessed me with sons. I believe I am fully responsible for these boys to make an impact on the world as men! I take my role very seriously! I believe in biblical teaching with extra emphasis on life respect, commonsense, manners, hard work, and strong ethics, to mold a GOD loving man! I believe a man should be emotionally responsible with himself and those in his life. A man, as well as any individual, needs responsibility and the trust (as you taught them) to handle it.
I've learned to quit saying, or thinking, "I can't" and replace it with "I will find a way. I will start today". Nothing is more defeating than defeating one's own will and purpose. I've learned, that each of us is our own worst enemy.
Above everything in life, LOVE is the most important! And, IT IS a sacrifice! BUT.........IT'S WORTH IT!
Humorously, in regards to ANY type of social media!!! I made a promise to myself that I would ENJOY social media and NOT let it RUN my life (as it is not a means, yet, for profit)! I have a love affair with all the different media's. And while it is such a beautiful means of creativity and cultivating cyber friendships, I MUST stay focused on the REAL and PRESENT! I have to trust that I have made lasting relationships that will not fade if I'm not available everyday! This is a really hard task, as this type of accessible fun is soooo addicting!!!!
You will find beautiful lighting everywhere!
Our Discovery Green Park, in front of our convention center downtown, is party central!
I prayerfully wish you all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Hello 2012! xo
(all images via pinterest)