So I had fun watching movies over the past weekend! I thoroughly enjoy watching the Goldie-oldies (at least that's the fun term I've heard expressed)! I love taking in every bit of the dialogue, clothing, and decor of "then" (40's - 60's). Forgive my photography, but I took a screen shot of the ensemble on the right (then), and compared to the ensemble on the left (now)! Both are beautiful, classic and the 2012 chosen color. The only difference--that was the norm of appropriately dressing for everyday, while today we only dress when it's absolutely appropriate (which isn't always very often). The standard was so much higher back then. Some might argue that it's because, today, we are more relaxed and casual. But, I see a continued inner fashion fight on what is the truth in dressing respectful and appropriate, AND, being relaxed/casual. Fashion was at it's high, on an everyday basis, back then, and we ride a roller coaster of whether or not we keep it to a high, everyday, today. My choice, is to take every moment possible, and make it an appropriately "high" fashion moment!

(image on the left via pinterest. image on the right from Take Her, She's Mine.)
And, here's a little something extra! Just throwing this out there for whatever reason! OK, the reason is--I really enjoy pinning, and I really love pink! One of my favorite Pinterest boards is Pink Crush Pink 'LUSH'. I love pink. It brings me a sense of joy, and excites the feminine heart in me. But, funny, I have not used it in my decor. And, I rarely wear it, unless it appears smart, sporty, or classic. But, I do LOVE it!